Betas are ok, but…
Yeah, it’s end of 4.5 betas, no we get into release candidate stage. WordPress 4.5 RC1 is available for download, they mad 49 more changes since beta 4. Expected date of release is April 12th, I just can’t wait when I can upgrade my public servers to this version!
Using dollar sign $ and jQuery in WordPress
As you may noticed, your jQuery scripts under WordPress environment may not work correctly while using $ (dollar sign) as jQuery handler. Why? Because there are conflict between your jQuery and WP’s jquery. So, what shall I do? There are a few good solutions to avoid this. First: [crayon-67a7feb0465b4966294129/] Second (my fav if there is no problem with document.ready check): [crayon-67a7feb0465bc527165996/] Third (my fav when you need to hook document.ready event) [crayon-67a7feb0465bf786569781/] Easy and simple.
So excited, final planned beta
Final planned beta (fourth) of WordPress 4.5 is available to download. They removed editor shortcuts for text, and I regret it. Oh well, you don’t have anything you want. Also about 100 fixes and changes are available. It looks better and nicer. And I got it! Of course on my local server.
Third beta is in the game
WordPress team announces Beta 3 release this evening. Over a hundred bug fixes and a lot of improvements. A brief description of what’s going on is here: Theme Logo Support fixes, Responsive Preview in the theme install preview, Support Imagick in HHVM, Whitelist few tag profiles from strip_meta() to maintain authorship, copyright, license, and image orientation, Support Windows shares/DFS roots, Generating secret keys and salts in the local environment instead of WP API.
Insert new woocommerce product programmatically
How to insert brand new Woocommerce product programmatically? Sometimes you need your own product importer. You may read database, XML, JSON, CSV, XLS, XLSX, ODS, absolutely anything. Now you got all your products in memory or cache or your temporary file and what’s next? You need to add this product to Woocommerce… Well, the product is – like almost anything in WordPress – post type with specific taxonomy and meta data set. So, first things first, insert your new post: [crayon-67a7feb047135797877649/] Of course this is not everything, that would be too easy. Now we need to add some meta information to the product post and that is why, we take…
Brand new beta 2
Today WordPress team announced WordPress 4.5 beta 2 release. Three small modifications and over one hundred bug fixes are here. I use nightly builds on my local server but it is always safer to run beta versions, so feel free to upgrade.