WordPress Toolbar a.k.a. Admin Bar
First things first. Why WordPress Toolbar a.k.a. Admin Bar? Well, a lot of people knows Toolbar as Admin Bar. Still. To be honest, it was Admin Bar. It was Admin Bar in WordPress 3.2 (released July 4, 2011) and previous. Even more, for backward compatibility, WordPress class for Toolbar is named WP_Admin_Bar. However, since WordPress 3.3 (released December 12, 2011) it is Toolbar and please remember it. To be honest, I have to remember it, too. All right, to the point. WordPress Toolbar. Nice feature. Very useful. And great. And even more – it is customizable! And we will learn a few basic tricks, how to deal with it. It…
WordPress plugins repository
A few days ago I mentioned about my new plugins. Two of them are in the official WordPress plugins repository. So, my counter is three now. I won’t delete those plugins on github, if you use this source, don’t worry. Posts about those plugins (with github links): Post/Page specific custom CSS Queen Inspirations WordPress repository links: Post/Page specific custom CSS Queen Inspirations I also updated my good-old plugin Google Analytics Head (icon, banner and screenshot). All of my WordPress hosted plugins.
WordPress admin buttons once again
I just wrote small nice plugin to add custom CSS code to certain post/page. So I thought I may use it to show you my admin-like button styles (I mentioned it a few days ago – WordPress admin buttons). I’ve added static image to that post but here you are with brand new preview live! Primary Primary Darkgreen Darkgreen Forestgreen Forestgreen Green Green Lime Lime Limegreen Limegreen Seagreen Seagreen Mediumseagreen Mediumseagreen Springgreen Springgreen Mediumspringgreen Mediumspringgreen Darksalmon Darksalmon Mediumaquamarine Mediumaquamarine Coral Coral Orangered Orangered Turquoise Turquoise Lightseagreen Lightseagreen Mediumturquoise Mediumturquoise Cyan Aqua Cyan Aqua Darkcyan Darkcyan Teal Teal Darkturquoise Darkturquoise Deepskyblue Deepskyblue Sienna Sienna Steelblue Steelblue Dodgerblue Dodgerblue Cornflowerblue Cornflowerblue Royalblue…
Post/Page specific custom CSS
Hi, we’ve got brand new plugin for you! Post Page specific custom CSS will allow you to add cascade stylesheet to specific posts/pages. It will give you special area in the post/page edit field to attach your CSS. It will also let you decide if this CSS has to be added in multi-page/post view (like archive posts) or only in a single view. Our new plugin is available on github.
Do you like WordPress admin buttons?
Do you like WordPress admin buttons? Yeah, me too. And I noticed that Woocommerce has similar purple buttons. I stopped and I thought for a moment – why shouldn’t I create some other colors? Yeah, that was a good idea. My implementation needs some improvements, but I like it. You may see results over that text (yeah, I know, you know that already, it was easy Captain Obvious). Please note this is a static image file. You may also find source code on github – as SCSS source file and compiled CSS file. To use it, please add two classes to HTML element: .button and .some-button-name, like: class=”button button-darkgreen” or…
Google Analytics Head 1.6.0
Since new version of Google Analytics Head plugin is in WordPress repository since Nov 19, 2016, I decided to upload it also on github – you may find it here.
Queen Inspirations
Hi guys, I wrote another WordPress plugin, read more here.
WordPress custom bulk actions
As I promised, I will write more about custom bulk actions. Because this is very easy technic, I decided to create basic plugin, so you may see source code and bulk actions in…, well, action. Important: this requires WordPress 4.7 or higher! You may find source code at github. Simply download it and put it into plugins directory.
WordPress 4.7
Exactly on time, WordPress 4.7 has been released on December 6th, 2016. This is another mile in WordPress history and this is great mile indeed. Twenty Seventeen I bet you can recognize this naming convention 🙂 Yeah, we’ve got new default theme, Twenty Seventeen. It looks fresh, it looks good and I love it (today, anyway). It also works great. Do I need to add anything about responsiveness? No? Just like I thought. It just is. More – if you need to change anything or, for example, add video header? Well, then do that and don’t bother 😉 It’s easy as you read. You can use brand new (well, let’s…
Hit the road http…
As Matt Mullenweg states on his blog, in 2017 some of the WordPress features will require SSL (https) enabled hosting to work. First, it will be only a recommendation (default SSL enabled hosting partners will be promoted) and then, some of the WP features (such as API) will require secured connection to work. This is good thing. Second thing and it is also good, hosting platforms with PHP7 enabled by default will be promoted instead of previous versions of PHP. It means speed! And some other benefits. I wrote about it twice, first on July 2015 and then on January 2016.