Audio Widget – WordPress 4.8
Well, I recently write about Image Widget and Video Widget, so now it’s time for Audio Widget! This very similar to Video Widget and you may also upload or set link to audio file. Of course you may set audio to play in a loop, preload data etc. One more thing – just like in video widget you may add alternative audio source – and this is great feature.
Video Widget – WordPress 4.8
As I mentioned two days ago, I will let you know about new features in WordPress 4.8. Today is time for Video Widget. This one is less powerful and more powerful than image widget at once! Yeah, it is. It is less powerful, because it won’t give us a chance to use links, relations, classes etc. Well, it’s video, it may be understandable. And on the other side, we have powerful video options. We may upload video, we may use YouTube source (as I did for Traditional Taekwondo trailer). Then we may add the same video in different formats so we can be sure that every browser will display our…
Image Widget – WordPress 4.8
This will be a short story about new features in upcoming WordPress 4.8. Since we have Release Candidate v2 available, we may take a closer look into those features. First, widget images. Of course you may get this feature using third party plugins, now you do not need them, you have Image Widget in core. You may see this one in action in the featured image to this post. This new widget is pretty powerful. Of course you may add/edit image but that’s not all. You may also set caption, alternative text and set link and display size. Additionally you may set up advanced settings – image title attribute, image…
WordPress 4.8 Release Candidate
The release candidate is available to download. If everything goes well, then WordPress 4.8 will be available on June, 8th. It’s Thursday, one of my favorite days, so I’m happy twice for that date. There is a lot of changes, but most of them are small and won’t let us do amazing stuff… well, I mean new amazing stuff. Because we all do amazing stuff already, don’t we?