Using native WordPress loading icons (spinners) in your plugins
When we create our plugin, sometimes the loading icon (or the spinner icon) can be very useful and handy. It can be used to signal the saving of settings, processing of some data or loading data by Ajax. There are many fields to use, everything is limited by your invention and your needs. I have seen many times programmers create their own “spinners” or use ready-made ones instead of using WordPress ones. Inquiry – Why use those from WordPress? For one reason – to create a consistent interface. And, in addition, to reduce the size of the plugin being created. There are many possibilities, it is worth using them. WordPress…
WordPress: How to localize your JavaScript code?
Update (on 17th July 2017) – see the bottom of the page. In WordPress, while writing theme or plugin, you should always keep in mind localization. Maybe your theme or plugin become so popular and someone would like to translate it into another language? It’s easy for me to think about localization, because I write my themes and plugins using english language and I usually add polish translation, because I’m Pole. So it isn’t very hard to achieve. Localization in WordPress is very easy. Let’s see one example from my plugin, Google Analytics Head. Plugins requires some information in the file header, like plugin name, description, author etc. There is…
Hey, admin, hide your login!
I bet, that you, as a WordPress developer, knows very well that using “admin” for your administrator account isn’t very clever. Or “administrator”. Or something like that. Once I saw “root”. Even WordPress installer will let you know that. Use something different. Maybe “top-secret-user”. It is good thing, that is true. Why we should avoid that? Because attacker may discover your administrator account login and may use it (in some top secret magical way) to attack your site. It isn’t a joke, it is a possibility. So, everybody should knows that and apply this to their sites. But… There is a small trick about that… Many sites may reveal your…
WordPress plugins repository
A few days ago I mentioned about my new plugins. Two of them are in the official WordPress plugins repository. So, my counter is three now. I won’t delete those plugins on github, if you use this source, don’t worry. Posts about those plugins (with github links): Post/Page specific custom CSS Queen Inspirations WordPress repository links: Post/Page specific custom CSS Queen Inspirations I also updated my good-old plugin Google Analytics Head (icon, banner and screenshot). All of my WordPress hosted plugins.
Post/Page specific custom CSS
Hi, we’ve got brand new plugin for you! Post Page specific custom CSS will allow you to add cascade stylesheet to specific posts/pages. It will give you special area in the post/page edit field to attach your CSS. It will also let you decide if this CSS has to be added in multi-page/post view (like archive posts) or only in a single view. Our new plugin is available on github.
Google Analytics Head 1.6.0
Since new version of Google Analytics Head plugin is in WordPress repository since Nov 19, 2016, I decided to upload it also on github – you may find it here.
Google Analytics Head
Hi there folks, we’ve got brand new Google Analytics Head plugin for you! There are some big news in this version. First, adding plugin name to the tracking code is optional and disabled by default. Of course it’s nothing big. Big thing is, I’ve added two action hooks and one filter. And one, very important thing – triggering those actions and filtering may be enabled/disabled in options screen. So, if you want to interfere with Google Analytics Head plugin, ask your user to enable firing actions! Examples: [crayon-67860f729d69e922307831/] [crayon-67860f729d6a3910453451/] [crayon-67860f729d6a5386840182/] Notice 1: all that examples will work, if you enable triggring actions and use filters. If you don’t, it won’t…
Analytics Head 0.5.6
Jest już dostępna nowa wersja wtyczki Analytics Head, 0.5.6. Nie wnosi żadnych poważnych zmian, po prostu w końcu zmieniłem obsługę funkcji load_text_domain, bo od dawna moja “metoda” była uznawana za przestarzałą. Normalnie tego nie było widać, ale wystarczyło włączyć tryb debugowania… A minęły od poprzedniej wersji prawie dwa lata! Dodatkowo uaktualniłem kod Google Analytics i zmieniłem użycie jednej akcji. Wtyczka została przetestowana z najnowszą (nocną) wersją 4.3-alpha-32508 i działa poprawnie. New Analytics Head 0.5.6 version is available for dwonload. There are no major changes, I just changed load_text_domain function handling, because it was deprecated for a long time. Of course it wasn’t visible until you switched WP to debugging mode.…