Link Boundaries and WordPress events – WordPress 4.8
Today two new features. First one, link boundaries is very very clever and helpful. Have you ever added a link to your post? Of course you did. If you didn’t – then… well, you may skip this post. But i bet you did, so… how many times you need to edit this link or text nearby? Well, it might happen. And then what? Sometimes you write text and you’ve got unwanted link on it, sometimes you want to expand anchor and you got plain text… Not nice at all. With WordPress 4.8 you will see exactly link boundaries with small, non modal (of course!) pop-up. You can’t go wrong anymore with your links. It’s very small change, but this may set your comfort level up to 100 points. It’s very good.
Second thing is WordPress events in your dashboard. WordPress is big. It’s community is very big. Do you remember “WordPress News” widget? Yeah, me too. Now we call it “WordPress Events and News”. It has special section for WP events near you and dedicated links for Meetups, Wordcamps and News. Nice one, good not only for developers but also for average WordPress users who knows how to blog.